Exploring Mach-O, Part 1

This is part 1 of a 4 part series exploring the structure of the Mach-O file format. Here are links to part 2, part 3, and part 4.

I recently read a great article from Amos over at fasterthanli.me that explored the ELF format for Linux executables. Digging into these kinds of topics in a deep and thorough way has always been super interesting to me, not to mention educational. So, I thought I’d take a stab at doing something similar for Mach-O, the object file format used by macOS.

Before going on this journey I didn’t know anything about Mach-O except that, well, it was the object file format used by macOS. Right now, there’s still a lot I don’t know about Mach-O or the internal workings of macOS, but it’s definitely fair to say that I know it a bit better than I did before!

Feel free to following along if you’d like. The high-level outline of our journey will be:

  1. Create a minimal Mach-O executable
  2. Create a DIY parser (in Zig!) to read Mach-O files
  3. ???
  4. Profit

Getting started

The first thing we’ll need is a Mach-O object file. My filesystem is filled with these of course; every binary file on a macOS system is encoded as Mach-O. But for learning purposes that won’t do: we need to do it ourselves.

The smallest possible executable simply calls the exit syscall. If we were on Linux on an x86 machine, this would just be

xor rdi, rdi    ; set rdi to 0 (exit code)
mov rax, $60    ; set rax to 60 (exit syscall number)
syscall         ; do the syscall!

But we’re not on Linux, or on x86! So we need to figure out how to do this in ARM64.

ARM64 doesn’t have the same cryptically named registers as x86, instead using boring old names like x0 and x1 for the first and second function arguments, respectively. ARM64 shares the mov instruction with x86, so we know the first line of our assembly will be

mov x0, #0

We want to call the exit syscall with argument 0 to exit the program cleanly. We could also exit with an error code like 42 to prove to ourselves that our program is doing what we expect:

mov x0, #42

Now we need to make the exit syscall. How do we do that? Well according to the handy ARM developer documentation, we want the svc instruction. However, we also need to know the syscall number.

We can cheat a little bit here and just copy macOS’s homework. The system library located at /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib is part of macOS’s libSystem.dylib, the libc implementation. What does that library have to say about svc?

$ objdump -d /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib | grep -B 2 svc | head -n20
     e0c:	f0 28 80 d2	mov	x16, #327
     e10:	01 10 00 d4	svc	#0x80
     f64:	30 01 80 92	mov	x16, #-10
     f68:	01 10 00 d4	svc	#0x80
     f70:	50 01 80 92	mov	x16, #-11
     f74:	01 10 00 d4	svc	#0x80
     f7c:	70 01 80 92	mov	x16, #-12
     f80:	01 10 00 d4	svc	#0x80
     f88:	90 01 80 92	mov	x16, #-13
     f8c:	01 10 00 d4	svc	#0x80

Well that’s a good start. Disassembling libsystem_kernel.dylib reveals quite a few svc calls, all of which are present within procedures that look suspiciously like system calls… So it looks like to make a syscall, we move the syscall number into register x16 and then use the svc instruction with an immediate value of #0x80.

We need to know the syscall number though. Maybe we can find exit in there?

$ objdump -d /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib | grep -B 2 svc | grep -A 2 _exit
    7b34:	30 00 80 d2	mov	x16, #1
    7b38:	01 10 00 d4	svc	#0x80

Bingo! So it looks like the exit syscall number is #1. Can we confirm this in a more “official” way, perhaps through a definition in a header file or something?

It turns out we can, by taking a peek in /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/syscall.h1 2. Looking in that header file, we find a list of all of the syscall numbers on macOS:

#define	SYS_syscall        0
#define	SYS_exit           1
#define	SYS_fork           2
#define	SYS_read           3
#define	SYS_write          4
#define	SYS_open           5
#define	SYS_close          6
#define	SYS_wait4          7

And whaddya know, there’s SYS_exit sitting nice and pretty next to 1.

We now know enough to create our minimal Mach-O program. Let’s put it all together:

; exit.asm
        mov x0, #42     ; exit code
        mov x16, #1     ; syscall number for exit
        svc #0x80       ; do the syscall!

Let’s assemble it!

$ as exit.asm -o exit.o

Technically, exit.o (the object file) is itself a Mach-O file. So we could just stop here and move on with the parsing. But we should probably make sure our tiny program works, no? So now let’s link the object file into a full blown executable.

$ ld exit.o -o exit
ld: warning: arm64 function not 4-byte aligned: ltmp0 from exit.o
Undefined symbols for architecture arm64:
  "_main", referenced from:
     implicit entry/start for main executable
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64

Uh oh. That’s not pretty. It turns out, there are a few more things our little ASM program needs. First, we need to ensure that the start address of the _main function is 4-byte aligned. We can do this by adding a line

.align 4

just before the start of the _main function. We also need to tell the assembler to make _main visible to the linker by adding

.global _main

The final version should look like this:

; exit.asm
.global _main
.align 4
        mov x0, #42     ; exit code
        mov x16, #1     ; syscall number for exit
        svc #0x80       ; do the syscall!

Ok let’s try linking again!

$ ld exit.o -o exit
ld: dynamic main executables must link with libSystem.dylib for architecture arm64

Blast! This error message is pretty self-explanatory: we need to link with libSystem.dylib. Ok, no problem, we’ll just add -lSystem to the ld invocation.

$ ld exit.o -lSystem -o exit
ld: library not found for -lSystem

Eh? One might expect libSystem.dylib to be on the default library search path, but apparently as of macOS 11, one would be wrong. So we need to explicitly add the oh-God-why-is-it-so-long library path to the command line:

$ ld exit.o -L /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/lib/ -lSystem -o exit

Finally, no error message, which means linking was successful! If we run our program and check the return code, we should see 42:

$ ./exit
$ echo $?

Cool! If we disassemble our executable with objdump we should see the very same commands we just wrote by hand:

$ objdump -d exit

exit:   file format mach-o arm64

Disassembly of section __TEXT,__text:

0000000100003fa0 <_main>:
100003fa0: 40 05 80 d2  mov     x0, #42
100003fa4: 30 00 80 d2  mov     x16, #1
100003fa8: 01 10 00 d4  svc     #0x80

No surprises here. Notice that objdump mentioned that this is the disassembly for “section __TEXT,__text”. We don’t know what that means yet, but we’ll find out soon enough.

Let’s get macho

Now that we have a tiny executable we can start investigating the Mach-O format in more detail. It just so happens that archive.org has a link to the Mac OS X ABI Mach-O File Format Reference. Surprisingly, I wasn’t able to find anything as in-depth as this from Apple directly. This document will guide us on our way to parsing our little Mach-O file. It is a bit old, and there are a few things that are either missing or incorrect. We will also reference the header files found under /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/mach-o.

Reading through the reference document, we see that Mach-O files have three major “regions”:

  1. A header
  2. A list of “load commands”
  3. Segments

The header is a simple 32-byte structure that looks like this:

struct mach_header_64 {
   uint32_t magic;
   cpu_type_t cputype;
   cpu_subtype_t cpusubtype;
   uint32_t filetype;
   uint32_t ncmds;
   uint32_t sizeofcmds;
   uint32_t flags;
   uint32_t reserved;

Note that this is the header for 64 bit executables. 32-bit Mach-O files use a slightly different header, but we’re going to assume 64-bit for the rest of our journey.

The first four bytes of every Mach-O file is the “magic number”, just like in ELF files. ELF uses the magic number 0x7F 0x45 0x4C 0x46 (which is just 0x7F ELF). According to the Mach-O File Format Reference, the magic number for 32-bit Mach-O files is defined as the constant MH_MAGIC. Where is this constant defined? According to the reference, it’s in /usr/include/mach-o/loader.h. Let’s see what it is:

$ printf 'MH_MAGIC' | cc -include 'mach-o/loader.h' -E - | tail -n1

I… uh… ok. Yes, the magic number for Mach-O files is, in fact, feedface. I’ll be honest, I got quite a kick out of this.

64-bit Mach-O files use the constant MH_MAGIC_64, which is just MH_MAGIC + 1, i.e. 0xfeedfacf. Not as funny.

Let’s check our exit program and see for ourselves:

$ # -l 4 = read 4 bytes, -e = little endian
$ xxd -l 4 -e ./exit
00000000: feedfacf                             ....

Yup. There it is. feedfacf.

After the magic number are a few enums: cpu_type_t, cpu_subtype_t, and filetype. We could, at this point, continue to poke around our program using xxd (or your hex editor of choice) and compare the raw byte values with the definitions of these enums in the mach-o/loader.h header file. But that’s a bit tedious. Let’s write some code.

In part 2, we’ll start on our own DIY parser to read through our Mach-O file.

  1. Requires the Command Line Tools for Xcode↩︎

  2. By the way, since this path is painfully long to both read and write, for the remainder of this article I’m going to pretend there is an imaginary symlink from /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/usr/include to /usr/include. So any references to /usr/include/* are actually under the full path. ↩︎

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