Using Xilinx Vitis for Embedded Hardware Acceleration

Xilinx recently released their new Vitis tool, which aims to ease the process of accelerating high-level algorithms in applications in an FPGA. It is an ambitious tool with a lot of potential. This guide will help you get started.

The guide is targeted toward the Zynq Ultrascale+ MPSoC using a command line (as opposed to a GUI) flow because that is what I use. However, where possible, I’ve aimed to keep things as device agnostic as possible.

NOTE: Vitis is still a very new tool and is likely to change rapidly in the near-future. I will try to keep this guide as up-to-date as possible, but be warned that some pieces may be antiquated by the time you read it.

You can find a “reference implementation” of the steps below here. This implementation uses a Makefile to automate all of the steps outlined below with a simple example design. You are welcome to copy the reference implementation and modify it to your own needs however you wish.

You can also find a lot of examples and Vitis tutorials online provided by Xilinx. However, almost all of these are targeted towards using x86/PCIe platforms and do not carry over well into edge-based/Zynq platforms (hence the need for this guide).


The high-level outline of doing hardware acceleration in Vitis is

  1. Create a hardware design (XSA file) in Vivado
  2. Create Linux software components
  3. Create a Xilinx platform file (XPFM)
  4. Write and compile your kernels
  5. Write and compile your host executable
  6. Run software emulation

Pre-packaged Embedded Platforms

Xilinx offers a set of standard embedded hardware platforms available here. If you’re just getting started or if your design does not contain any custom IP or infrastructure, you can use one of these standard platforms and skip steps 1-3 above.

To use one of these platforms (for example, zcu102_base), download the ZIP file from Xilinx’s website and extract the platform to the platforms subdirectory beneath your Vitis installation. For example, if you installed Vitis to /opt/Xilinx/Vitis/2019.2, you would copy the zcu102_base directory to /opt/Xilinx/Vitis/2019.2/platforms/zcu102_base. In the rest of this guide, you will then provide zcu102_base as the argument to the --platform command line flag.

Also download the cross-compilation sysroot from the same downloads page. After extracting the archive you’ll find scripts for both the Zynq 7000 and the Zynq Ultrascale. Execute the script for your chip and supply an installation path for the sysroot.

UPDATE 2020-06-23: The 2020.1 Vitis update seems to have removed the sections on creating custom platforms from their documentation (at least, I haven’t been able to find it). I am not sure what the reason is behind this. Perhaps they want users to stick to their pre-packaged embedded platforms? In any case, the instructions below still seem to be valid, but proceed with caution.

Creating Your Hardware Design

NOTE: You can skip this step if you are using a pre-packaged embedded platform.

This step is done using Vivado and is responsible for generating the Xilinx Shell Archive (xsa) file (formerly known as a Hardware Description File (hdf)). Your hardware design needs to include the Zynq processor IP as well as at least one external clock. You can find a simple example in Xilinx’s documentation.

Each clock also must have an accompanying Processor System Reset IP and a PFM.CLOCK property that can be set either in the Vivado GUI (click Window > Platform Interfaces) or in the Tcl console:

set_property PFM.CLOCK { \
    <clk port> { \
        id "0" \
        is_default "true" \
        proc_sys_reset <proc_sys_reset name> \
        status "fixed" \
    } \

Every platform must specify one clock with id=0, status="fixed" and is_default="true".

In addition to the clocks, you must also specify the available memory ports in your design. Again, this can be done in the GUI in the Window > Platform Interfaces window or can be done directly in Tcl:

set_property PFM.AXI_PORT { \
    <port_name> {memport <type> sptag <ID> memory <value>} \

The sptag and memory parameters are optional. For a full description of these properties, see the Configuring Platform Interface Properties page.

The platform interfaces defined in this stage determine how Vitis will connect the memory interfaces of your kernels.

Create Linux Software Components

NOTE: You can skip this step if you are using a pre-packaged embedded platform.

Vitis requires the following software components:

  • First Stage Bootloader (fsbl.elf)
  • PMU Firmware (pmufw.elf)
  • U-Boot (u-boot.elf)
  • ARM Trusted Firmware (bl31.elf)
  • Linux kernel image, device tree blob, and initramfs (image.ub)

Note that it is not required that your Linux kernel be packaged with the device tree blob and initramfs into an image.ub file, but that is what the tools are set up to use by default. The image.ub file is a FIT image file that combines the Linux kernel image, the device tree blob, and a root file system together into a single file.

The easiest way to generate all of these components in a way that will work basically out of the box with Vitis is to use Xilinx’s PetaLinux tool. Note that it is NOT required to use PetaLinux, and there are many very good reasons not to do so, but again for the sake of brevity and clarity this guide will assume the use of PetaLinux.

If you choose to use PetaLinux, you can follow the instructions here.

The most important things to notice about the instructions listed above are the inclusion of userspace packages in the rootfs (xrt, zocl, opencl-clhpp, and opencl-headers) and the modification of the device tree. Namely, you must have the following somewhere in your device tree source file:

&amba {
    zyxclmm_drm {
        compatible = “xlnx,zocl”;
        status = “okay”;

Without this addition, the zocl driver will not be loaded and the Xilinx Runtime will not be able to detect your hardware device.

If you use plain YoctoLinux, the xrt and zocl applications can be found in Xilinx’s meta-petalinux layer.

One other important modification you must make is to disable the CONFIG_CPU_IDLE kernel option. See AR# 69143 for more information. Without this modification, QEMU will hang during bootup (UPDATE 2020-04-14: This step is now included in the official Vitis documentation. See Step 9 here).

Once you run petalinux-build, you will find all of the requisite software components in the images/linux/ directory. Copy these to a location of your choice (e.g. a boot subdirectory within your project directory). You will also need to extract the rootfs.tar.gz archive file. This file contains the sysroot that will be installed onto your target. For example, if our project directory is located at ~/Projects/vitis_example/:

mkdir -p ~/Projects/vitis_example/build/{boot,sysroot}
cp images/linux/{image.ub,zynqmp_fsbl.elf,pmufw.elf,u-boot.elf,bl31.elf} ~/Projects/vitis_example/build/boot
tar -C ~/Projects/vitis_example/build/sysroot -xf images/linux/rootfs.tar.gz

You will also need to include a BIF file, which is a file which tells Xilinx’s bootgen tool how to generate the BOOT.bin file that is used by MPSoC’s boot ROM to boot the device. The file should have the following contents:

/* linux */
       [fsbl_config] a53_x64
       [bootloader] <zynqmp_fsbl.elf>
       [pmufw_image] <pmufw.elf>
       [destination_device=pl] <bitstream>
       [destination_cpu=a53-0, exception_level=el-3, trustzone] <bl31.elf>
       [destination_cpu=a53-0, exception_level=el-2] <u-boot.elf>

The file names within the <> brackets will be expanded automatically by Vitis, so there is no need to insert absolute paths in this file. Save the BIF file as linux.bif in your boot directory.

Finally, you will need two plain text files that provide the command line arguments to QEMU. You can simply copy these from Xilinx’s [Vitis GitHub page] and save them to your boot directory. Note that, unfortunately, the names of these two files do matter: they should be named qemu_args.txt and pmu_args.txt respectively.

Vitis uses these software components to run the software and hardware emulation targets, which we’ll get to later.

Generate a Xilinx Platform File

NOTE: You can skip this step if you are using a pre-packaged embedded platform.

Vitis introduces some new jargon: platforms, domains, and system projects. A platform is essentially the hardware platform which we created in step 1. Each platform has one or more domains. A domain is the BSP or OS that controls a group of processors in the hardware. A system project is a container for multiple applications that run on different domains at the same time.

In our example, the domain is simply Linux running on the ARM Cortex A53 processor. You can create the platform file in the Vitis GUI by following the instructions here or you can simply run the following commands from xsct (assuming you’re currently in your project directory):

platform create -name vitis_example -hw /path/to/vitis_example.xsa -proc psu_cortexa53 -os linux -no-boot-bsp -prebuilt -out ./build/platform
domain config -image ./build/boot
domain config -sysroot ./build/sysroot
domain config -boot ./build/boot
domain config -bif ./build/boot/linux.bif
domain config -qemu-args ./build/boot/qemu_args.txt
domain config -pmuqemu-args ./build/boot/pmu_args.txt
domain config -qemu-data ./build/boot
platform generate

This will create an xpfm file in build/platform/vitis_example/export/vitis_example/ alongside two directories: hw and sw. If you copy or move the xpfm file, you must also move the hw and sw directories, as the xpfm file depends on these two directories and expects them to be adjacent to itself.

Write and Compile Your Kernels

Writing OpenCL or Vivado HLS kernels is a huge topic that is beyond the scope of this guide. As a simple example, however, assume we have the following multiply-and-add kernel at kernels/axpy/axpy.c:

void axpy(float const *a, float const *x, float const *y, float *out, int const len)
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=a offset=slave
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=x offset=slave
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=y offset=slave
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=out offset=slave
#pragma HLS INTERFACE s_axilite port=a bundle=control
#pragma HLS INTERFACE s_axilite port=x bundle=control
#pragma HLS INTERFACE s_axilite port=y bundle=control
#pragma HLS INTERFACE s_axilite port=out bundle=control
#pragma HLS INTERFACE s_axilite port=len bundle=control
#pragma HLS INTERFACE s_axilite port=return bundle=control

    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        out[i] = a[i]*x[i] + y[i];

The first step is to compile our kernel into a Xilinx object file (.xo):

mkdir -p build/sw_emu
v++ --platform ./build/platform/vitis_example/export/vitis_example/vitis_example.xpfm -t sw_emu -g -o build/sw_emu/axpy.xo -c kernels/axpy/axpy.c

Note that the xpfm file created in the last step is a required argument to the v++ compiler.

If you are using a pre-packaged embedded platform, supply the name of the platform as the argument to the --platform command line flag. For example,

v++ --platform zcu102_base ...

Once you have one or more .xo files, you can link them together into an .xclbin file:

v++ --platform ./build/platform/vitis_example/export/vitis_example/vitis_example.xpfm -t sw_emu -g -o build/sw_emu/axpy.xclbin -l build/sw_emu/axpy.xo

Also note that we passed the -t sw_emu option to v++ in both the compile and link phases. The -t option is mandatory and determines what actually is produced in the .xclbin file. The available options are sw_emu, hw_emu, or hw. For now, we’ll just use sw_emu (meaning “software emulation”).

We now have our platform file and our xclbin file. All that’s left is to write and compile the host code and test our application in the emulator.

For more information on using v++ see the official Xilinx documentation.

Write and Compile the Host Code

Again, this step is out of scope for this guide as it is highly design dependent. The easiest way to get started on this step is to start from an example.

Note that as of this writing (Feb 2020) Xilinx only supports OpenCL 1.2. This is in part because Xilinx depends on some APIs that were deprecated in OpenCL 2.0. You can find the OpenCL 1.2 reference pages here.

Run Software Emulation

This is the point where the edge-based flow differs significantly from an x86/PCIe platform. In order to do software emulation for the ARM CPU, Vitis spins up a QEMU virtual machine using the parameters supplied during platform creation. At this point, you can run your host executable with the compiled xclbin file. The Xilinx Runtime will generate run summaries and reports on the target VM, which you must then transfer back over to your host development machine.

The software emulation VM is launched using a script called launch_emulator. When you source the Vitis file, this script is added to your path. When you run launch_emulator, the script looks for files under the _vimage directory, which is created during the v++ linking phase. This directory contains parameters used by the launch_emulator script to prepare and start the QEMU VM.

The first thing this script does is prepare a virtual SD card image which is passed to QEMU. A file called sd_card.manifest tells the launch_emulator script what files should go on this SD card image. Unfortunately, by default this manifest file does not include all of files needed to run software emulation. Before running launch_emulator, you will need to modify the sd_card.manifest file to include the absolute path to your host executable as well as any other files you want to include in the QEMU VM.

You should also include a xrt.ini file with the following contents:


This will generate useful output products when you run the emulation. Be sure to include the full path to this xrt.ini file in the sd_card.manifest file.

Once the sd_card.manifest file is ready, run the following command to launch the emulator:

launch_emulator -no-reboot -runtime ocl -t sw_emu -forward-port 1440 1534

The -no-reboot parameter is passed to QEMU and means that instead of rebooting, the VM will simply shutdown. The -runtime and -t flags are used by the launch_emulator script itself. The -forward-port flag creates a port forward to the guest VM allowing you to connect to it using xsct.

If everything works correctly, you should see the VM booting up in your terminal console. Eventually, you will reach a login prompt. The username and password are both root. Once logged in, you can mount the virtual SD card and run your host executable:

mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /mnt
cd /mnt
export XILINX_XRT=/usr
XCL_EMULATION_MODE=sw_emu ./host vitis_example.xclbin

You can use xsct to transfer files between your development machine and the guest VM:

$ xsct
xsct% connect -url tcp:localhost:1440
xsct% tfile copy -from-host /path/on/host /path/on/target
xsct% tfile copy -to-host /path/on/target /path/on/host

This allows you to make changes to your host program or xclbin file and quickly transfer them to the VM without needing to restart the emulator. This is also how you can transfer the run summaries off of the target VM onto your host:

$ xsct
xsct% connect -url tcp:localhost:1440
xsct% tfile copy -to-host /mnt/profile_summary.csv profile_summary.csv
xsct% tfile copy -to-host /mnt/timeline_trace.csv timeline_trace.csv
xsct% tfile copy -to-host /mnt/xclbin.run_summary xclbin.run_summary

The xclbin.run_summary file can be viewed using the vitis_analyzer tool:

$ vitis_analyzer xclbin.run_summary


There you have it. There are a lot of steps involved, but fortunately almost all of them are entirely scriptable (as you can see in the reference implementation). This means that once the process is done once, the time cost of repeating it is negligible.

If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact me.

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